20 Ways to Create an Impressive Office Reception Area (Infographic)

It may be a cliché, but it’s true: You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. The old but wise adage rings particularly cutthroat in business.

Within milliseconds of entering your office, potential clients make up their minds about you and your company. In a glance, they instantly decide how trustworthy you are, if you’re broke or in the money and, oftentimes, if you’re good enough to do business with.

While you can’t control what people think, you can pad the first impression deck in your favor – and not just with a bowl of M&Ms and a comfy padded couch in your reception area. There are countless ways you can convey the success and professionalism of your business right in your entryway.

From offering a welcoming smile (this should be a given) to sprucing your space up with lush (real, not fake!) plants, to lighting up your logo to offering free Wi-Fi, here are 20 ways you can make a positive, lasting first impression with your office reception, all neatly tucked into an infographic by U.K. interior design firm SEC Interiors.

20 Ways to Create an Impressive Office Reception Area (Infographic)

via: 20 Ways to Create an Impressive Office Reception Area (Infographic)



Creating a good first impression in business is very important. At JGM, we take pride in providing spaces you’ll be proud to bring your customers to.

For more info about available office space in Minnesota, call Eli at JGM Properties 612-290-1037

