Mayor Duggan’s latest plan for Detroit: Lease vacant lots for $25 a year!

Mayor Mike Duggan announced his latest plan to help curb Detroit’s blight problem on Wednesday, outlining a plan where Detroiters could lease vacant lots for the low price of $25 a year to use for gardens, parks, recreational uses, and more, according to the Free Press.Duggan discussed the plan on Wednesday at the sixth national Reclaiming Vacant Properties conference, which started Tuesday at the Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center. According to Duggan, residents will be able to lease a vacant lot for that price for three years as long as a neighborhood block club approves the request. Duggan estimates thousands of lots could be transferred this way.

The new program does not yet have a firm launch date, though Duggan said it will launch this summer. The conference ends today.

via: Duggan’s latest plan for Detroit: Lease vacant lots for $25 a year



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