Tenant Discovers Hidden Dungeon Complex Beneath His Floorboards

“This was never mentioned in the lease,” said no horror movie victim ever. It sounds like the plotline from a straight-to-Netflix slasher film; a twenty-something Londoner moves into his new flat to discover a secret staircase beneath his floorboards, leading to a 19th century dungeon complex. And he wondered why the rent was so cheap.

The mystery man, whose identity will hence forth be known as The Tenant, phoned a friend before delving into his newly discovered crypt. The building, a former English monastery, had been converted into 30 separate apartments, the tenants totally unaware of the secrets below.

During his exploration, the tenant discovered four large vaulted rooms, some of them with locks and hatches. The graffiti on one of the walls gave proof that someone had been down there within the last century. Freshly disturbed dirt in one of the rooms gave off a sinister feel, and the tenant is not sure when the last visitor was there.

The creepiest feature is probably a bricked raised level in one of the high-ceilinged rooms. The tenant speculates it to be either a dungeon bench, a crypt, or a sacrificial altar. Throughout the maze of corridors, other secrets are still waiting to be discovered.

The tenant debates turning the underground dungeon into a proper man cave, perfect for having parties or creeping out your friends. Buildings like these are more common than you’d think, and with a city as old as London, former buildings are simply bricked over and buried, making way for the future.

Would you live above a dungeon?

via New Tales From The Crypt: Tenant Discovers Hidden Dungeon Complex Beneath His Floorboards


