This is a fantastic article from Colliers…


U.S. and China Commercial Real Estate Dynamic – Insights

The flow of Asian capital into U.S. markets has been nothing short of phenomenal. This is certainly part of a larger trend we’re seeing overall regarding foreign direct investment in the United States. In particular, it’s Chinese investors who are generating the most attention because of the size and velocity of capital invested in prominent markets such as New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. In January and February 2015 alone, Chinese purchases of U.S. real estate amounted to $2.25 billion.

And with recent confirmation of China’s slowing economy, scrutiny over the increased flood of Chinese capital into major U.S. markets has never been more acute. At least that’s what current headlines suggest. But what we’re seeing isn’t a “run for the exits” strategy on the part of concerned, incredibly motivated Asian investors. It’s really a diversification strategy that bears a closer look, especially since what we’re seeing now is likely to continue for the rest of 2015.

Read the full story by visting the link below:

via: Closer Look at the U.S. and China Commercial Real Estate Dynamic



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